
appy piano's in the child's piano career parents often

appy piano's in the child's piano career, parents often think of themselves invested so much money, they will require that children learn. Once the parents have this mentality, will inevitably exert pressure on the child. Some of the children is a momentary interest, and some Children are looking at other people also want to try the piano. . . . . . Therefore, parents do not easily invest in teacher's house practicing for some time, so children have a stable interest in buying a piano too late.
Second, the provisions of the piano from the time that many parents do not have that to give children some day time practicing, some day, 1 hour, or even several hours. I think the piano time to the child's age, characteristics, psychological characteristics of the standard, if the child around the age of 4 years of age, their attention focused less than 30 minutes, then with them, how long 1 hour. even if finally coming to an 1 hour, really get results and how many? Therefore, the children started practicing, it is best not to time conclusion, as long as the child can focus wholeheartedly practice, even 5 minutes is enough. sometimes practiced some children want to practice 45 minutes after the bell, I would say to them: it!

